Cotton Candy Fault Lines
Spoken and unheard
Polymer on vinyl
A More Convenient Way to Theft
Blurry edges of pixelated droplets
Tears fall like blood rushed
Different texture within same fabric
I look for wind and see stillness
But O, how the colors change
No short-term rentals
It went sour once we had the urge to kiss
Unhappy Cuz I’m Yours
You can’t fake starlight. You don’t have to —
Memory Robbed Presence Corrupting Future
A chair
A parking lot
Suddenly I Wanted Him More Than Ever
What do you mean to remember
When you forget?
The Horror of False Belief
Taken advantage of sore fruit
Those who didn’t pick themselves before harvest
You’ll die
Chasing perfection
Sharper than air
Discovering roots
digging under sand
oxygen blossoms taste waves on another planet
Gripping shapes in the dark
It carries a spell
Yesterday I learned how to light the candle
i say
i never worked in a restaurant before but most recently i was working in hospitality
she asks what type of hospitality
i say adult entertainment she says
oh i’ve been thinking about doing that man like i need some money real bad i mean i been looking for a job a long time now and its hard and
i say id recommend it to any pretty girl, you need a certain type of mental tenacity she says
i’d be scared about safety i say that makes sense
things aren’t too bad right now, talked in therapy last week about how it’s not even necessarily in the moment that situations feel so uncomfortable but before and after the fact and how i want to change that because it’s so exhausting and i'm so tired of feeling so consumed by anxieties and this unjustified guilt, how it prioritizes other people's feelings over my own, and how it’s so exhausting
“it’s for a gallery” (you can hear it, right?)
“could it be under jackie kennedy?”
“that’s it.”
if tables (surfaces) were lopsided and turned
(which they are) then
imagine using brute force to physically lift the entirety of a motor vehicle above your head carrying it on your back for miles bringing it home to eat with your family
next time you want to kill an ant
my heart raced they wanna know what it sounds like </3
Daddy doesn’t wanna play with you and he doesn’t care if you cry
Not now baby, mommy’s feeling the collective energy